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Authors Worth Celebrating

Authors Worth Celebrating

Wow! What an amazing night. Where do I start?? First off, I'd like to give a huge shout out and thank you to Mohawk Bend for organizing and hosting this awesome opportunity and event. Things like this really do make you realize that we are so grateful to live in L.A. where we have an abundance of vegan options out there for us to indulge in. So thank you Mohawk Bend for being one of the many delicious choices on the vegan list and for organizing events such as this one. 

Last night, we got to break bread with Gene Baur over a curated four course meal for $40 bucks! It was an overload of vegan greatness. I was joined by my good friends Amber St. Peter of the Fettle Vegan and her boo Alex who are featured in my new lookbook. Trying to stuff my face while nerding out to Gene telling his story of his tour travels and the struggles of becoming vegan in the 80's was a dream. As an activist myself, Gene is someone whom I look up to and is a great inspiration for the vegan community. 

Special guests included chef Matthew Keeney of M.A.K.E. in Santa Monica and Beyond Meat culinary ambassador Caitlyn Grady whom are both featured in Gene's new book, Living the Farm Sanctuary Life

The food was really on point. My favorite thing of the night had to be the queso! hah. I could only fit a few bites of the creamy rich chocolate pudding in before I called it quits. I was stuffed! A few of the dishes featured Gardein or Beyond Meat products in them. I'm not a big fan of fake meats but I do believe they are a great transitional tool for newbie vegans or the curious eater. It was really cool how the back of the menu featured cocktails or beer of your choice that was specifically paired for the courses. I chose the Suggested Beer Flight which I thought really complimented each dish well. 

I love being able to attend events that bring people together, making new connections with those you share the same beliefs and values brings me great pleasure. Gene reminded us that we need to look at what we have achieved and the positive that has come from our actions instead of the negative. We have made such a great impact on the world, environment, animals and community that it's growing like wild fire. Even though this might have turned into a trend at least people are paying attention and caring. That's been a struggle for me and something I think about every now and then to myself is, "Am I really making a difference? Is it worth it?" The answer is, yes! We need to keep up the good work and keep spreading the word. It takes time but we have seen great improvements. The best advice is to lead by example and others will follow. In the short time that I have been vegan I find this to be very true. I gave Gene my new In Plants We Trust tee as a thank you for his advocacy and he signed my copy of his book, "Thank you for caring and making a difference. - G.B." I can't wait to make the trip up to Farm Sanctuary this year. I know it will be an incredible experience. 

I'll end with my favorite quote from Gene which I included in my lookbook...

"If you can live well and be happy without causing unnecessary harm, why wouldn't you?"


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