10 Steps To Make A Custom Garment
I’m going to explain the process of what goes into making custom apparel and a behind the scenes look at creating our sweat set pieces from scratch.
Defund The Police: People's Budget LA
Care not cops. People might think this is a radical idea but ultimately, it means re-funding social services. In communities of color police don't make their communities safe, in fact, they create more oppression and violence. These communities are asking for help that will strengthen and create safe environments for the community.
What is Fashion Revolution Week?
Fashion Revolution Week is the #whomademyclothes campaign in April, which falls on the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on April 24th, 2013. There were five garment factories in Rana Plaza all manufacturing clothing for big global brands.
Organic Matters
Some of the most dangerous chemicals in the world come into contact with our skin through the clothes we wear. As vegans we are conscious about what we’re putting in our bodies, but have you ever considered the impact of what you putting on your body?
The first approved GE animal to hit your dinner plate
After a 20 year struggle by AquaBounty Technologies, The FDA approved AquAdvantage salmon fit for U.S. consumption i...
Walk For Farm Animals
Join us on Sunday, November 8 at Memorial Park in Pasadena to support Farm Sanctuary and compassion for all! Regist...
March Against Monsanto 2015
A big part of BxB is not just making t-shirts but making sure to be involved in spreading awareness as this is the fo...
Vegan Parenting
I myself do not have kids but I feel like there are plenty of people out there who could use someone to relate to or ...
Veganism & The Environment
Hey friends, here is a nifty infographic I made showing you some key points on how your choice in food impacts the en...